Thursday, April 11, 2013


yeh so the stalking continued,i was right, hes gay.... thats ok, kinda already knew that. doesnt stop me from stalking him and being his friend!! im telling you, i gotta make friends!! so much knowledge!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Feel Again

Whoa!! talk about some rather disturbing teenage blog posts! I am sitting here on the verge of moving in to my own apartment with my sister and ryan and all i can think is how quickly the years flow by. The things that have happened in the past few years never stop to amaze me, i went to college in one of the greatest cities in the world, i had to leave the one person i love the most and realized he actually does have emotions and feelings, he just cant show them for anything. Ryan finally admitted he was gay, hes a slut now, but i still love him more than you can imagine, i told him i had feelings for him, then quickly realized i had misunderstood exactly what was occurring inside me. I do love him, i need him, but i know what we are and what we have and as difficult as it can be i am incredibly happy. We are about to move in together and probably share a bed, if anyone can do it, we can i suppose. Hes really stepped up and let me know how much he cares, i know that if he lost me, he'd be hurting and for some reason that really makes me feel good.

I came home from college early, 7 semesters early ;) I am completely in love with learning but paying $27,000 every year and not knowing what to do with it did not sound like an option, not to mention i cant deal with my parents owning my life, they have no say as to what i do. They are really quite brilliant though, they have so much wisdom to share and i try to absorb as much as my brain will let me. They are about to open Park Side Eatery, a joy for the whole family. I will be working there, hopefully well and in a joyous way. When not slaving away in the eatery i am working at Banana Republic.

Ahh banana.... what do i even say, with our lovely role models Ben and Ana, every day is a new experience in rude customers and being reprimanded for what i do. Even though i seem to fuck up on something most days i really enjoy it, there's something very soothing about folding the same stack of sweaters every time you come in. The people are really great, lovely managers, a warm family of coworkers and of course i developed a crush in the first month.... I dont know if its as much a crush as it is a total infatuation, i cant even describe it. There was this feeling of "i need to be your friend..." and that's when i started texting inappropriately and doing major creeping on the internet. But you all know me, the second i get my eye on something i will do anything to get it... it never works with people but it does get me very obsessed with them. How does one even describe him, a jewelry maker who went to skidmore, who loves working with clay, had an entire blog dedicated to his textiles and loom named Barbara V, im trying to figure out if that is a roman numeral or not, and has traveled all over the world. There is something so intriguing about him. I mean besides what ive learned by creeping i honestly have no idea about him, is he even straight? lets look at all the people that work at BR, basically no one is straight... not to mention i always fall for the gay ones. Who even knows, maybe ive met my match and hes reading this as we speak because he decided to stalk me as much as ive stalked him.... HA! if only....

Gabby- ".......blah blah blah i dreamed about you and im lying about someone else being in my dream blah blah READ BETWEEN THE LINES AND BE MY FRIEND"

Mo- " ok im rather scared for my life "Weirdo^^ LOL" this girl is out of her mind.....stop texting me"

Gabby- " yeh basically im going to murder you while you sleep, hope you dont mind. Of course thats after getting coffee and letting me pick your brain about basically everything because you are such a fascinating person and i think i could learn so much from you"

So basically thats how the conversation went, it just adds to the charm of our prior convos where i do really great things like challenge his integrity... score.

Moving on from the opposite sex and how confusing it all is, I have been LOVING the soundtrack to Beasts of the Southern Wilderness.... I cannot even describe it, each chord strikes my soul in the most precious way. *side note: he listens to really cool music and likes lotr and is a gamer, does it get better?*

But lately i've been listening to sad slow music, well, im pretty sure i've been listening to that since i was just a young thing, but ive been having a difficult time emotionally with Kresten. Who knew a friendship could disrupt your life like that. Who knew someone you knew for 6 months could change you. Is it over? will i see him again? can i ever truly trust him after what he did to me? drama... problems... pain... crying... things that need to end right now. I need to learn how to lose friends. Life lesson #347.

Well y'all. See you soon love.